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Welcome to HPE PartSurfer !

HPE PartSurfer provides fast, easy access to service parts information for a wide range of HPE and Compaq products. With PartSurfer you can:

  • Search for part information by product number, serial number, model name, or part number
  • Identify all HPE products that use/reference a specific part number
  • Filter your search results by part keyword or category
  • Display product exploded view diagrams and part photographs
  • Generate on-screen and printable reports

How to Identify Product Details:

Do not know your part number? You can find it by entering one of the following values from your product's service tag.

serial no. image


  1. Product name: This is the product name affixed to the front of the device.
  2. Serial number (s/n): This is an alphanumeric identifier that is unique to each product.
  3. Part number/Product number (p/n): This number provides specific information about the product’s hardware components. The part number helps a service technician to determine what components and parts are needed.
  4. Warranty period: The number describes the duration of warranty period for the device.
  5. Model description (selected models only): This Alphanumeric identifier used to locate documents, drivers and support for the device.